Maple Tree Community Garden

Maple Tree Community Garden

Maple Tree Community Garden

Spring is in the air...

and we’re busy getting the Maple Tree Community Garden (MTCG) ready for the 2023 growing season.

This year The Nourish and Develop Foundation (TNDF) will continue our longstanding commitment to our members, veteran and new alike, by providing garden plots and the necessities for growing (earth, water, sunshine, good vibes, etc.) For more information on the history of the garden, click here.

As you may know, TNDF has been working towards developing the garden space into a more fulsome community program with permanent infrastructure. At this point, we’ve encountered so many logistical obstacles that we’ve decided to put an indefinite pause on that specific vision.

That said, TNDF staff are not easily discouraged! With the wisdom of the past garden manager, Zoe, and the fresh eyes of the new team, Beth, and Jenn, we are looking forward to building a beautiful community plot this season to grow alongside the established member plots. The allotment-style community garden program will continue for the foreseeable future.

Our dream is to create an opportunity for all TNDF programming (Social Services, Nourish House Food Bank, Food Literacy Education, etc.) to benefit from access to growing experiences, as well as the fresh produce that will come from the garden. It can provide a vehicle for meaningful community-building and collaboration across local organizations.

The TNDF community plot will be on the opposite side of the orchard from the member plots, running perpendicular to them. It will be created and maintained by TNDF staff. We are approaching the project with an open mind and a willingness to learn and experiment. Depending on how things go, we may keep it up for years to come.

We are excited to share our enthusiasm with the MTCG membership and look forward to growing alongside such an inspiring group.

Happy planting!